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Our 10 day adventure in the last frontier! In the summer of 2008 we flew to Anchorage, rented a car, and tried to stay out of the beaten path as much as possible. Forget Northern Exposure and Sarah Palin - this is what this fantastic land is about.
Hatcher Pass is the site of an abandoned mining camp, and of the most amazing green color.I wonder if this had something to do with the subprime mortgage crisis.This camp was abandoned in the 1940s.Mining paraphernalia.I wouldn't drink from that water.Rail tracks to nowhere.Our ride to Mount McKinley.Piercing through the clouds.The southern reaches of Denali National Park.The Kahiltna Glacier is over 58 km long.Mount McKinley - the top of North America.Walls of ice.Cloudy peaks.Heading towards a wall.Mount Foraker, McKinley's little brother.The Kahiltna glacier.Red fox.Snowshoe hare.