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These photos were taken during several visits to Spain between 2002 and 2008. In each of those years I have spent between one and two months working in Spanish archives and universities. I have had the privilege to travel across the country, to get to know its wonderful people, and to share in their daily lives. These pictures are but a small sample of the beauty I have encountered. I hope they will encourage you to experience it for yourself.
Fuente de la Cibeles.Parque del Buen Retiro.Shadows in the Plaza Mayor.Royal Guard.Parade in period uniform.Royal Palace.Peacock in the royal gardens.Columbus Square flag.This is why I researched hidalgos.University of Alcalá.Bell towers.Cathedral.Chains from the Christian prisoners liberated in Granada in 1492.Wedding limousine.Toledo.Narrow streets.Toledo skyline.Church in San Juan de los Reyes.Artesonado - a wooden ceiling built without nails or glue.Cathedral cloister.